Can PCOS be cured?

Whether you’ve been struggling with PCOS for quite some time or have recently been diagnosed with PCOS, then this question has probably crossed your mind at some point. And you’ve gone out of your way trying to answer this question, chances are you haven’t gotten a clear answer.

That is because to answer this question, it is important to understand the diagnostic process of PCOS. PCOS is a syndrome, or a collection of symptoms that are traced back from a spectrum of (and often overlapping) root causes, whereas a disease is an established condition with a clear biological cause. This is why the treatment of PCOS can be tricky. It serves as a wide umbrella term that covers varying metabolic and hormonal dysfunctions.

That is also why PCOS is often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed. For one, its symptoms can show up drastically different from one individual to another. Secondly, your symptoms may be present at one doctor’s appointment and be absent at the next. Because of this, many of my clients will be told they no longer have PCOS after working on nutrition and lifestyle changes since their symptoms are managed and eliminated.

However, there is a difference between experiencing minimal symptoms with PCOS and being “cured” of your PCOS.

More and more of the scientific literature correlates the increasing prevalence of PCOS with the diminishing quality of our food, lack of daily movement, and increasing environmental stressors that all drive metabolic shifts in the body. That means that the genetic profile of women with PCOS leads to a greater vulnerability, or “sensitivity” to these lifestyle imbalances, manifesting as PCOS symptoms.

In other words, women with PCOS require greater attention to their lifestyle habits to support overall well-being.

Initially, this may sound like you’ve been dealt a bad hand of cards. You may think it’s unfair, especially if you get caught up comparing yourself with your gal friend who eats whatever she likes, rarely exercises, and seems to be totally thriving.

After working with hundreds of women with PCOS and having PCOS myself, I can say with confidence… I get it, AND I want you to hear that even though PCOS is a lifelong condition, it is NOT a life sentence.

This is how I see it. Having PCOS means that your body sets hard boundaries when it comes to stressors that it can and cannot tolerate, and that’s not a bad thing! While our culture normalizes overworking and undernourishing, PCOS says, “Enough is enough.” And if we’re not adjusting the way we take care of ourselves according, PCOS will be sure to tell you through its symptoms. That means PCOS symptoms aren’t the problem! They are a form of communication from our bodies, and our job is to notice, listen, and respond to them.

The bottom line is that although PCOS can’t be cured, it can be managed through nutrition and lifestyle changes. By engaging in supportive strategies through food, movement, sleep, stress management, etc., you can live a full and balanced life while experiencing minimal symptoms of PCOS.


What you need to know about PCOS and weight gain


What exactly is PCOS?